Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Track and Field Day 2012

Whatever your (body) finds to do, do it with all your might.. - Ecclesiastes 9:10

We were blessed with an awesome day for Track and Field day again this year!

The weather was perfect!

There was time to hang out with friends...

...and enjoy each others' company.

Time to cheer each other on...


...and time to get in the "zone".

There was excitement!

and many spectators to cheer the students on!


Students worked really hard to get ready for this day..

...and tried to achieve their personal best scores.
So many of our students achieved this goal in all the events and that is something we celebrate!

We jumped...







...and just had a great time!

We know these gifts come from God.
We strive to honour God with our talents and abilities (whatever they may be)
and above all with our attitudes.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart - Colosians 3:23

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Calling Beacon High School Graduates!

Are you a graduate of a Christian high school? Are you a graduate of Beacon Christian High School? We need your help! Please read the note below. If we have just a few more Beacon graduates respond, we will receive a valuable and helpful free report tailored just for our school. Please take the time to help make this happen!

Tony Kamphuis has been commissioned by Cardus to gather as large a sample of Christian high school grads as he possibly can to complete the landmark Cardus survey on the actual outcomes of a Christian high school experience. If you are alumni of a Canadian Christian high school, your input is crucial!

You can access the survey by cutting and pasting the following address into your search engine:  http://cardus.nd.edu/http://cardus.nd.edu/ then click on Alumni Survey. This survey will allow your alma mater and the OACS as a whole to gain a great deal of insight into how well their goals and visions statements have ‘taken on flesh’ in the lives of their graduates.

This is a first-of-its-kind survey and this next batch of results will focus on the Canadian Christian high school scene. The survey was designed by Cardus and Notre Dame University faculty, who are in charge of the actual administration and evaluation of the survey. It is ‘the real deal’ in terms of its credibility.

It is a fairly lengthy survey, and will likely take you 30-40 minutes, but it will be very valuable to our schools and to the Christian education movement as a whole if we can get an accurate, honest appraisal of what affect our schools have had in the lives of their alumni. Your experience as a Christian high school graduate is extremely important and we ask you to help those who have worked hard to make this survey a reality. Would you go there today and complete it?  http://cardus.nd.edu/http://cardus.nd.edu/ (With respect to logistics…..you are able to start and partially complete the survey and return to it later if that works better for you).

Thank you for taking the time to help form a complete picture of Christian Education!

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday

 (We enjoyed a performance by the HDCH music department today)

(We joined in singing with the Praise and Worship Band)

Friday, 4 May 2012

Grandparents Day

Today was Grandparents' Day at Beacon. We sure do love our grandparents and friends!

The students eagerly awaited the arrival of their grandparents.

Friends caught up with eachother!

Artwork was proudly shown.

Grandparents are eager to see what their grandchildren are learning.

And how smart each grandchild is!

Many grandparents brought goodies (a highlight for many!)

 Lots of photo ops.

Then it was time to head to the gym for coffee and the student program.

(Thanks to so many moms for helping make it a great lunch! Yum!)

The band started the program off.

The kindergarten students wowed us with their "awww" factor.

Grades 1 + 2 did a rap.

The junior bands did a great job!

The grades 4 + 5 played the recorder with earnest.

And the senior band did a great job, too! (with the help of a new member!)

While this day is about fun and celebrating our grandparents and friends, we are most thankful for the influence our grandparents have on our lives in teaching us in His way. We thank God for them!

Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts; let them proclaim your power.
Psalm 145:4 NLT