Sunday 30 November 2014


Each morning, our classes share devotions together to start the day. 
On Friday, our Grade 7 students led morning devotions in other classrooms throughout the school. The students had to prepare a devotion with a reinforcing activity. 

One devotion was about thinking before speaking and another about gossip. In both groups, the students were then asked to try and put toothpaste that had been squeezed out back into the tube. While some of it could be put back, not all of the spilled toothpaste could be returned. In the same way, the damage made by gossip or unkind words cannot be undone.

Another group shared a devotion about arguing and forgiveness. A dime was put in some water and pepper was sprinkled over the top so you could no longer see the dime. The coin represented the heart and the pepper, the sin. Then a drop of dish detergent was added and the pepper dissipated to the edges so you could once again see the coin. This signified asking for forgiveness and making the heart clean again. 

A fifth group had a devotion about telling the truth, based on the story of the damaged relationship of Jacob and Esau. The activity the students had to do was to try and cover a quarter in a bucket of water with pennies. More pennies are needed to try to cover that quarter. The students were reminded that lies are like that. More and more lies are needed to cover the first lie and it is impossible to keep up.

Another group had a devotion on exclusion and used a spiderweb to reinforce this lesson. The final group shared a devotion on sharing. 

We are thankful for the leadership we find in and among our student body!

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Servant Workers in Action

Pot’s Ponderings
Thursday is Thanksgiving Day in the United States. When I lived there I was always amazed at the sheer size and scope of Thanksgiving Day in the U.S. It is common for the Thanksgiving Day weekend to be the busiest travel period of the year. It has no equal among holidays observed in the U.S. - not even Christmas or the 4th of July match the hype of an American Thanksgiving.

We see the hype from a distance in Canada. We see the football and TV ads and glitzy Black Friday ads. I’ve seen the following on social media lately, “Only in America, people trample others for sales exactly one day after being thankful for what they already have.” This is a funny and poignant quote, but it also provides opportunity for all of us to consider how the absurdities that we may see in others, are likely just as prevalent in us.

Part of what we try to do at Beacon Christian School is to immerse our students in a different story. A story that not only asks and tells students to live thankfully, but gives them opportunity to do so.

Today in chapel our students were split into their multi-age GIFT groups. Our theme for the month is servant-working, so each group completed one activity that embodies serving others.

First, our Gr. 8 class shared a skit on servant working:

Then, the GIFT groups split up and were off. Two groups bought and delivered Tim Horton's coffee to our neighbours. There were some surprised and happy faces who opened the doors of their homes to find our students there to give them warm coffee. 

Several groups made cards. Some made cards to deliver to clients of Community Care. They will be delivered with the food items that we are collecting for the next few weeks. 


Two groups made cards for a local retirement home that will be delivered later 
with some home made cookies.

JK made cards for our librarian and caretaker. 

One group gave out candy canes to people shopping in Giant Tiger, waiting in the MTO licensing office and workers at the local garage. They had to be brave and step outside their comfort zone. They also delivered candy canes to the international school sharing our property. 



Two groups raked and picked up leaves on our playground to help our maintenance man.

Another group made cards for children in the hospital. 

Our memory verse from Matthew this month:  ...whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant,  and whoever wants to be first must be your slave—  just as the Son of Mandid not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. encourages us as we continue to look for opportunities to serve others in big and small ways, in order to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Remembrance Day - Pot's Ponderings

This morning our children in grades JK-6 participated in a meaningful chapel regarding Remembrance Day. It was wonderful to see such a large group of parents in attendance.
Our students in grades 7-8 attended the service at the St. Catharines Cenotaph.

It is good to take time to remember lives that were too quickly taken during war. It is also important to be thankful that we live in a country that is law-abiding, peaceful, and free. 

We ended our chapel with the singing of O Canada! As is custom at Beacon, when we sing O Canada!, we are sure to sing this accompanying verse:

Ruler supreme, who hearest humble prayer,
Hold our Dominion, in thy loving care.
Help us to find, O God, in thee,
A lasting rich reward.
As waiting for the better day,
We ever stand on guard.
God keep our land, glorious and free.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee!

Even though we are "waiting for the better day", we have much to be thankful for today

Monday 10 November 2014

Grade 8 Leadership - A Blog Post by Grade 8

We have seen many many examples of leadership in our own class and around the school in the last week from our Grade 8's. 

Some grade 8's lead the Grades 4,5 in art activities for 5 recesses. 

Some grade 8's are running a soccer baseball intramurals for Grade 1,2...

 and others ran a pingpong tournament for the Grade 7/8s last week - congratulations to Christine who is our winner!!

 Others helped Mrs. Boks get 20 ipads ready for her presentation at the convention. Finally, our last group is already organizing for a November Spirit Day.

 It is wonderful to see these leadership gifts get used around the school.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Pot's Ponderings

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.   - 2 Corinthians 9:7

Did you know that in the 2013 calendar year, Beacon Christian School issued approximately 450 donation receipts? For every family that sends their children to Beacon today, there are at least four other individuals, families, or businesses quietly giving in support of this cause.

This year a number of fundraisers have taken place in support of all that occurs at Beacon Christian. The golf tournament and Applefest were both grand successes, bringing in substantial amounts of money in support of Christian education at Beacon. Christmas urns are being created and sold and each week, a number of quiet volunteers organize the Beacon Rewards program through the sale of vouchers at various stores and services around Niagara. To support our class trips and student fund, students are now selling cheese. Later this school year, other events are being planned in support of our school.

But this week, our board and development committee invite you to participate in what is, by far, our largest fundraiser.  It may lack the glitz of some of the other fundraising events at our school, but the Beacon Covenant phone drive is essential to the operation of our school.

It is humbling, really, to work at a place where people cheerfully donate to so freely. Many people give quietly, generously and even anonymously, taking Jesus’ words to heart in the Sermon on the Mount, when Jesus says, “…do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.” Know that all of the people who work at Beacon appreciate the sacrifice and generosity that many people make in support of our operations. More importantly, as you give to Beacon or any other worthy cause, know that “…your father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

Prayerfully consider how you can support Beacon Christian School in this phone drive. Know that each gift, regardless of size is appreciated and important.

Sunday 2 November 2014

Rainy Day Fun

Rainy Friday's can be a good thing! 
It's fun to have a change of pace at recess when it rains!