Friday 9 March 2012

Praying Victoriously

This year, our school theme has been Living Victoriously. As a school, we have heard the many ways we can live victoriously for Him. This month our theme was Praying Victoriously. 
Our Grades 1-3 students opened our chapel with the song "Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying" while signing the words while they sang.

We were thrilled to have Mr. Bram Hoff join us as our guest speaker. Mr. Hoff is a retired Beacon teacher. He spent many years teaching at both the elementary and secondary levels. Many in our community know him well. 
Last August, Mr. Hoff was involved in a very serious accident while on his scooter. He was hit by a truck on his way home. He sustained very serious and life threatening injuries. Our students and community were very concerned for Mr. Hoff and his family. Many, many, many prayers were said on his and their behalf.

Miraculously, Mr. Hoff has been recovering steadily from his injuries and is now walking on his own. He joined our school to share how the power of prayer has affected his life. He thanked our students and community for the multitude of prayers lifted on his behalf. He share what these prayers have meant to him and his family.

We were glad to welcome him and see him after this time. Moreover, we rejoice that his life was spared and that he is healing well. We will continue to pray for further healing and strength. Praise be to Him!

We then watched a little clip which reminded us that we don't always get exactly what we want, but that God gives us exactly what we need. How blessed we are to share these things as a school!

Milo: The Mantis who Wouldn't Pray(3) from thomasnelson on GodTube.

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