Sunday 30 November 2014


Each morning, our classes share devotions together to start the day. 
On Friday, our Grade 7 students led morning devotions in other classrooms throughout the school. The students had to prepare a devotion with a reinforcing activity. 

One devotion was about thinking before speaking and another about gossip. In both groups, the students were then asked to try and put toothpaste that had been squeezed out back into the tube. While some of it could be put back, not all of the spilled toothpaste could be returned. In the same way, the damage made by gossip or unkind words cannot be undone.

Another group shared a devotion about arguing and forgiveness. A dime was put in some water and pepper was sprinkled over the top so you could no longer see the dime. The coin represented the heart and the pepper, the sin. Then a drop of dish detergent was added and the pepper dissipated to the edges so you could once again see the coin. This signified asking for forgiveness and making the heart clean again. 

A fifth group had a devotion about telling the truth, based on the story of the damaged relationship of Jacob and Esau. The activity the students had to do was to try and cover a quarter in a bucket of water with pennies. More pennies are needed to try to cover that quarter. The students were reminded that lies are like that. More and more lies are needed to cover the first lie and it is impossible to keep up.

Another group had a devotion on exclusion and used a spiderweb to reinforce this lesson. The final group shared a devotion on sharing. 

We are thankful for the leadership we find in and among our student body!

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