Tuesday 6 October 2015

Pot's Ponderings

Pot’s Ponderings
Our program at Beacon Christian School is woven together by ten threads called Throughlines.  Throughlines are qualities that we desire our students to develop as God is revealed to them "in all things." They answer the question, "How now shall I live?"

Each month, we will be highlighting one of these throughlines in our chapels and in our classrooms.
Tomorrow, at 8:45 AM, we will introduce our second throughline - God Worshipping, during our Wednesday morning chapel. Parents are always welcome to attend. 
What follows is a brief description of what we mean by "God Worshipping" that has been adopted by our staff and school. It was originally written by the Prairie Centre for Christian Education based in Alberta. I will be including future throughline descriptions each month in this space.
God - Worshipping          
Definition: Students understand that worshipping God is about celebrating who God is, what God has done and is doing, and what God has created.  It is literally about standing in awe and wonder of knowledge of him and his promises.  Students see this worship as a way of life.
Description: Glorifying and praising God is a joyful duty of being an image bearer.  In fact, Christ says that if we don’t praise God, the rocks themselves will cry out.  (Luke 19:40)  And they do!  Upon seeing the Grand Canyon for the first time, Hendrik Vonloon exclaimed:  “I came an atheist – I leave a believer!”  Praising God is not an option – or an elective or “frill.” 
God loves every part of this world.  Our God is a God who loves diversity, complexity, and creativity.  When we look at the world around us, the plants, rocks, animals, sea creatures, insects, the skies and beyond, and especially people and their intelligence and capabilities… we can’t help but be awestruck.  (Psalm 8)
God obviously takes delight in chickadees, giraffes and northern lights, but also wants us to delight in Creation.  That’s one of the reasons why we teach – to draw attention to God’s creation and its wonder and weirdness.   Albert Einstein once said, “There are only two ways to live your life.  One is as though nothing is a miracle.  The other is as if everything is.” 
God gave us this world to enjoy, to play in, to explore.  We worship God when we enjoy the delicate complexity of a butterfly wing and a tiny seedpod, or the immense awe of a sharp edged mountain ridge, and a towering thundercloud.   We also realize, when we see this beauty, how much God loves us.  Together, in community, we join in worship of our God.

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