Thursday 14 November 2013

A Trip to City Hall

 Today our Grade Two students went on a trip to city hall to meet the mayor. 
This was in connection with their Creation Studies unit: 
One Body, Many Parts: Our Local Community.

Our students were able to sit in the councillors' chairs.

Our students have focused on the words from 1 Corinthians 12:The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ. 

 The mayor is the head of our body of St. Catharines, our councillors are important parts, but so also is each citizen of this city. And there is much our 7 year old citizens can do!

 They had many questions for Mayor McMullan, such as "What do you like about your job? What kind of education do you need to be the mayor? What are the biggest complaints that citizens have? 
What is your favourite colour? 

Where do you live? How many hours do you work a day? What is the biggest part of our taxes for? What can we do to be good citizens?

What can we pray for for you as mayor and for all of city council?

The students researched  what riding they lived in and who their councillors were. They then prepared a card for one of them and we presented them to the mayor to pass out to all the councillors at the next meeting. 

Being a good citizen means praying for our leaders as "No one rules unless God Has given him the power to rule". Romans 13:1 

We will continue to support them with our prayers and continuing to discover ways to be good citizens.

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