Monday 2 March 2015

Justice Seeking

He has shown you, O people, what is good.
    And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
    and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8

What is justice seeking? We have been digging into this question during the month of February.

Justice Seeking starts with us noticing injustice. We need to see things around us that aren't fair. 

Mr. Kok and Mrs. Dykstra began our month by having us think of times we've been in situations that weren't fair and how we and others reacted. 
This may be unfamiliar to parents but is very familiar on our playground:
(and we can change out snow for leaves or sticks depending on the season)

 They then used words that escalate the situation

  • You always.....!
  • You never.....!
  • Don't do that!
  • That's mine!
They also reminded us that our body language can escalate too. With each action that escalates, they put a brick up. Pretty soon there was a brick wall between them!

Then we were reminded of words that de-escalate:

  •  I feel.... when you....
  • I think that.....
  • I don't understand....
  • I understand......

Our Grade 8 students shared a play with us to get us thinking.... 

We then were reminded of our restorative justice questions that we have learned over the years. 
What happened?
What were you thinking at the time?
What have you been thinking about since?
Who has been affected by what has happened?
What can be done to help make the situation right?

In our GIFT groups, students practiced scenarios and resolutions. 

This past week, we again thought about things in the world that aren't fair:

People without enough food
Religious persecution
People without water
Lack of health care in some countries
Babies dying because of lack of care. 

Each GIFT group posted on of their ideas on the wall. Then in GIFT groups, students looked for articles in the newspapers that showed injustice. A few students also chose to draw pictures showing injustice as well. We displayed these on a poster board and covered them with scripture. 

We pray for God's nearness in all the situations of injustice in our schools, homes, playgrounds and in the world around us. 

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