Thursday 10 December 2015

Image Reflectors

This week we continued to think about how we are called to be image reflectors. 
Our chapel began with our Grade 5 class leading us in song:

When we look in a mirror, we see the image of ourselves very clearly in it. However, if the mirror is pointed towards the ceiling, we cannot see the image. It works the same way with God. If we want to be God's image in the world, we have to be looking at God, spending time with Him and learning about Him. This will help us reflect the true image of who God is.

If we put a piece of paper in front of the mirror, we won't see an image. There can't be anything between the mirror and us. It's the same way with us and God. People can't see God's image in us if there is something between us and God. We need to make God the most important thing in our lives so that we can shine His image to the people we meet each day.  

It's not easy, but if we keep our eyes on God, put Him first, spend time with Him each day and ask for help, we can shine His light to others. 

Our kindergarten students have been teaching us a song this month called "Lighthouse" by Mary Rice Hopkins. They were great teachers of the actions as you can see below!

Well if I am salt of the earthI'll make sure my salt shaker works
And if I am a light on a hill
I will not run when I need to be still

'Cause salt can lose its flavor
And a light can grow dim
I wanna be salt of the earth
And a light to the world and my friends

I'll be a lighthouse
Shining above
I'll be a lighthouse
Sharing His love
And if my flame flickers and my well runs dry
I know Jesus lives inside
My lighthouse

I can't hide it, oh no
Like a seed, my roots need to grow
I've gotta share it, oh yes
And tell others just how I've been blessed

And they can come to the harbor of light
If they're shipwrecked again
'Cause I wanna be salt of the earth
And a light to the world and my friends

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